Friday, December 16, 2011

Will Battlefield 3 have bullet drop time and have 3 firing modes for certain guns?

Single Shot, Automatic, Burst. Those type of things. I am watching a lot of leaked Battlefield 3 multiplayer gameplay and i was wondering if there would be these things in Battlefield 3 because in the gameplay it doesn't seem like it is in the game.|||There will be bullet drop. Only assault rifles will have select fire if there is any (Semi-Auto, 3-round burst, and full auto). The M-16 got full auto removed after Vietnam.|||Yes, depending on the distance, bullets will drop and some assault rifles will have either 2 or 3 firing modes. For example, the M16 (I'm sure it is) will allow 3 different firing modes.|||There will be bullet drop.

Firing modes? Most likely not. It would make it too hard for the developers to balance weapons (weapon balance is huge to DICE). Also note that most shooters don't have firing modes.

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